
Thursday, September 2, 2010


Ginseng root and tea pot with cupsIt's been an interesting couple of weeks. I've been sick, so I've been doing all sorts of stuff to make sure I've been getting enough sleep, vitamins, etc.  Also, no matter how much I feel better otherwise, my throat just keeps feeling worse and worse.  Don't smoke, kids.

There's all sorts of neat stuff I was able to do to feel better though, so I thought I'd share them.  Getting enough sleep where I live currently is a difficult task, so I slammed some tylie PMs and put a lavender pad under my pillow.  It's supposed to be heated up or frozen so you can use it as a hot or cold press pad or whatever, but I just like the way it smells.  There's lavender in it, and it helps me sleep.  Oh, so you might want to check out this article on what herbs can help you sleep or whatever...

My throat is still pretty messed up, but I managed to subside it quite a bit with honey tea.  It wasn't doing enough for me, so I went and grabbed some ginger root and made a pretty nice detox tea...then threw some honey in it for my throat.  Why not, right?  If you wanna make the ginger detox tea, you can find out how here. It's really simple and completely natural and all that junk.

Well, if you're sick, I hope I helped.  If not, I hope you get a cold, so my information will be of some use to you. 

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